In the summers she lived in New York and interned at the Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan and assisted at CUE a non-profit gallery in Chelsea. Influenced by vintage style and modern aesthetics, she completed a modern yet classic line of 'Tie Attire' fashion, which was designed for woman out of retro men's neckties. This wearable art collection was presented in addition with her photography in the Fall of 2005 at the Isserman gallery in Sarasota and shown at the Dunedin Fine Art Centers fashion show in 2006 as well as at The Bombshell Gallery, Mirta's Gallery, The Bank and throughout the Tampa Bay area. In 2006 Williams moved to London England to begin her education at the University of East London. In October of 2007 Williams completed her MA in Film and Photography with a photographic video art installation.
She now works as a correspondent photojournalist for the Sarasota Herald Tribune and as a freelance artist. Between photographing weddings, events and live art projects she is currently focusing of celebrating her time in England with a new body of work to honor her time in the Queen's land. The hot bed of London life inspired her to create an eye opening clothing line influenced by the big city itself. Working as both clothing designer and photographer such work is focusing on music, the past, modern existence/the now, the future and love.
You can contact Marina at marina@marinawilliams.com or view more of her work at:
This is a very cool idea. I saw the Brent Twit billboard on Monday and wished I wasn't driving so I would have a chance to look at it closer.